I am a recipe-blog thief. I can't make up recipes on my own so I try other people's recipes, keep the ones I love and post them on here. Thats ok, right??!! I am a big believer in giving credit where it is due, so this recipe shout-out goes to The On Call Cook Look at her blog. She is incredible. :) Annnnd, I hope to be posting more often since I am cooking more these days. That 3rd baby threw me for a loop!
I loved this chicken and it was really easy to make. I didn't add the chicken broth, simply because I forgot. :/ Also, my husband is a fruit-purist. He doesn't really like me adding anything to fruit so even though the pineapple spears were good, we probably won't make them this way next time.
Click here for my source: The On Call Cook
Click here for Original Source
1/2 c brown sugar
1/4 c. + 2 T ketchup
1/4 c + 3 T low sodium soy sauce
3 T chicken broth
1 t ginger
1 t minced garlic
2 chicken breasts
I pineapple
1/2 c brown sugar
1 t cinnamon
Combine all the marinade ingredients in a bowl.
Prepare the chicken breasts by trimming them of all the nasty stuff. Cut off the tender from each breast. Slice each breast horizontally so they are thin.
Put the trimmed and cut chicken in a Ziplock bag. Add half of the marinade. Reserve the rest for basting.
Marinade the chicken in the fridge for up to 8 hours. I only did two hours, and it was amazing.
After the chicken is place in the fridge, trim the outside of the pineapple. Cut off the top and bottom. Slice it in half from top to bottom. Slice a half in half again. Cut diagonally to get the core off the pineapple. Slice the remaining part into spears.
Place the spears in a Ziplock bag and add 1/2 c brown sugar and 1 t cinnamon. Place this in the fridge with the chicken.
Once the marinating is over, prepare the grill. Preheat it to medium-high heat. Oil the grate. Place the chicken on and lower the heat to medium. Cook the chicken for 4-5 minutes on each side. Since it is so thin, it doesn't need much time to cook.
After you've flipped the chicken once, baste it with the extra marinade.
Put the pineapple spears on the grill as well. Cook it for 1-2 minutes per side while the chicken is cooking.
Serve the chicken over brown rice with the grilled pineapple spears on the side.