Sunday, February 5, 2012

Strawberry Footballs

Its a little late to use these for the Superbowl, but here is a fun idea for your next football party! I made these for a baby shower recently and the theme was football. Anyway, I loved the way these turned out! The link for the original recipe is below, but I didn't follow it exactly.

First, wash the strawberries and let them dry completely. I put them on paper towels and patted them dry. After the berries are dry, I melted Chocolate Almond Bark (found in the baking section) over a double boiler. I only dipped the front of the strawberry in chocolate vs dipping the entire strawberry. I was afraid of running out of chocolate. Looking back, I should have just went wild because I had a lot of chocolate left over. After you dip the strawberries, let them cool on a wax paper-lined cookie sheet. When all strawberries are dipped, place the tray in the fridge to cool until the chocolate is solid again. It won't take long, just a few minutes probably.

For the lacing, I melted white chocolate chips and used a disposable piping bag. Using chocolate chips was tricky because it took about ten minutes of struggling with the piping bag to get it the right consistency. First the chocolate was too hot so it was clumping. Then for awhile it was just the right temperature and came out like a dream. Last it was getting too cool and started to get hard again. Looking back, using white chocolate chips looked good on the strawberries because it hardened well, but it was kind of a pain to produce. I might try frosting of some sort the next time I make the lacing. :)

Note: Do NOT make these ahead of time. Do them right before your event. If you put the chocolate covered strawberries in the fridge, they get all watery and weird. Trust me! :)
Original link:

We also made some peanut butter football bars. This lacing was produced using frosting.

1 comment:

  1. I know they make the almond bark in white... but i don't know if it's chocolate flavor or not. I loved these, they came out so cute!!
