Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Graham Cracker Crust

I know it might seem silly to put this on my cooking blog, but I have had to look up this recipe at least twice and.....I'm kind of tired doing that haha. So, here it is. Oh, and ignore the bigger chunks of graham crackers in the picture above. I should have pulsed them more. I even considered not putting a picture up because I was so embarrassed...and lazy. :) In the end, the picture won out. So, don't judge me haha. And besides, I'm pretty sure I'm about the only one who looks at this blog anyways ;)

Graham Cracker Crust


1 1/2 C graham crackers (or 9 full crackers, 1 unopened package)

1/4 C sugar (I omit this because I think the crackers are sweet enough)

1/3 C butter, melted (or 5 1/2 TBS)

1. Pulse graham crackers in a food processor until they are fine crumbs. You can also put them into a plastic bag and use a rolling pin to crush them-but trust me-this takes forever, is messy and should be a last resort only. I would even put them into the blender first.

2. Melt butter and add sugar (if using) to graham cracker crumbs. Mix well.

3. Firmly press mixture into a 8" or 9" pie tin. Bake at 350 degrees for 7-8 minutes.

Photo Source: here

1 comment:

  1. No way! You're not the only one looking at your blog. :) I have your blog address on my google reader so I see every new recipe you put up. I've already tried a few of the ones you've posted, so keep up the good work! I love it, at least. haha
